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I might go, says Samy Vellu


If. Samy Vellu, the hindrafted, embattled MIC leader, says he's prepared to go "if the Indian community does not want me anymore". But "outsiders" can go to hell.
Samy seems to be forgetting that Sungei Siput, the parliamentary seat he's intent on defending at the 8/3 general election, is NOT an all-Indian enclave. There are Malays, Chinese and other races. Malaysians, Samy, Malaysians.
Now, if it's up to Malaysians, what will Samy's fate be?
At Mi Rebus Tuesday which ended a while ago, a Sungei Siput voter says he's going home to vote Samy out. So will his parents and siblings. At least 5 or 6 Malay votes less for Samy there.

Read Samy's "I'm prepared to go ... even now!".


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